Thursday morning we had breakfast and then headed out of the motel.We visited a cheese factory,stopped in at Lee's home (the owner of the factory that we toured Wednesday),visited a zoo,stopped at a little Dairy Cove for ice-cream and we were off for Chicago.We were hoping to make it through Chicago before the rush hour which is like between 5-7 but then saw that we weren't going to make it through and so just stopped at a motel a little outside the city.
So with that said are the pictures!!
(the cheese factory)

So with that said are the pictures!!
(the cheese factory)
(at Lee's house)
he buys and fixes up old cars...he has some pretty cool ones.
the little children enjoyed some gator rides
(the zoo)
I thought their soda machines were pretty cool...
Oh!! You can't forget the monkeys...
and the turtles
the river otter
a fox
and a cougar
Jason and Gracie enjoying a healthy snack
a bald eagle
We actually got to feed the giraffes
prairie dog
a lion
traffic in Chicago..
We got out of our motel around 8 or 9 and then got thru' Chicago.We stopped at Shedd Aquarium on the outskirts of Chicago.....
This is the Amazon's largest fish...
We watched a show that they demonstrated how they train their dolphins...
they also brought out a sea lion
and a Belgium whale that they trained.
One last photo before we head out again....
Friday night we spent in Indiana with some friends.They had no idea that we were coming and so we surprised them. We had dinner with them and then the boys got out their instruments and we sang awhile.
Saturday morning we headed out from our friends place at 5:00 and headed home!!!!!
We met up with Jesse and Barbie at a Friendly's in Harrisburg..
They had been gone for almost as long as we had and were also on their way home,so we thought it would be great to get together.It was great seeing familiar faces again!!
Visiting and sharing highlights
It was wonderful getting home again and sleeping in our own beds....and then of-course seeing all our friends again!!! We thank God for His traveling mercies and protection upon us!!!
Sara Ann for the Ebesols